Serene | New Beginnings



      The birth of a divine is more often than not a private and abstract affair. The pieces that Josmir leaves behind on his trek towards infinity tend to fill voids that no one knows to look for. Their presence in those spaces feels natural – as though they have always been, and always will be. No one remembers the moment that they fall into existence. Certainly, no one is there to witness it. But while it has always been that way, it is most certainly not how Serene fell into the world.


       Their whispers drew curious minds from all over Mutantur. We all, (and I say we, because of course I found myself drawn to the hint of a new God), waited with bated breath. For days, we tip-toed around the town center, watching. Certainly, the ground in one spot seemed abnormally wet, but was it the work of someone new or a prank pulled by a drunkard?

       The day that cool water spouted up from that spot, cool water rained down across the settlement without a cloud in the sky. We all gathered where the wet spot once was and found geyser in its place, surrounded by fauna and flora thought to be long extinct. And after a moment that will forever be referred to as a collective blink, she was there.

       Serene’s domain is one becoming of such sudden origins: the first notes written for a song that has never been sung; and the first steps of a babe that has yet to stand on their own feet; and the dawn of a new day. The winds of change ride on the wings of the small birds that trill when the winter gives way to spring.

       Most found themselves frozen with shock when they saw her for the first time. Some ran in the opposite direction. I ran towards her, ripping the cowl off of my own back to cover her, I don’t remember what I said, in that moment, but it was inconsequential. Her response was all that mattered.

“This,” Serene’s small voice was filled with wonder as she spoke, her eyes never leaving the sky, “is the start of something entirely new.”

And everyone, (God, Man ,Fragment, Creature, and everything in between), knew that it was true.

-From the Oracle Notes of Kaelmorn Teverin