Silmoro | The Epiphany



      It is known, even in the darkest corners of the world, that Silmoro makes his presence known far more than the other Gods of the pantheon. Even those who have forgotten his name know that the mere sighting of a dragonfly is enough cause to pause and evaluate what they are doing. Should one cross their path, even those underground know to seek the wisdom of a priest to reflect upon their fate. And when they see his horned mask just out of their line of sight, all are quick to pray to whatever patron they serve and steel themselves for the end.


       But to say that Silmoro represents the end is to do him a great disservice. There is only one beginning and one ending in life. Conversations about life and death, and the things that happen thereafter, are ones to be had of the only siblings older than he. You will find Silmoro, instead, in the turns and roundabouts and dead-ends that your path will lead you down throughout life. It is only natural, then, that you would find epiphany at the foot of death; what greater realization could one come to than that of their own demise? But we all have more moments of great realization that the last one, and he walks alongside you for all of them.

      What Silmoro gains from the endeavors of mortals is widely up for debate. Is he the wise father that will put his gentle hand at your back to show you the right way? Is he a benevolent guide, simply leading you to your predetermined fate? I would argue that he is simply a genius among his brethren, playing the game of existence seven moves ahead of his competition. Fate is not as predetermined as we all may think, but it is also not a mystery; and when your life is laid bare for Silmoro to observe, he will see what you may be too blind to see for yourself.

      All of us will see Silmoro throughout our lives, whether it is a dragonfly that crosses your path before you make a seemingly-mundane decision or his visage as you step onto the battlefield outnumbered and outmatched. But to see Silmoro is not to have his favor. If it were, we would all have it and be better for it.

      Silmoro’s blessing comes from true self-reflection. There are no decisions in life that will not affect your future. There are very few problems that arise that you cannot find a solution for. If you find yourself stuck with a task or situation that seems to be impossible, ask yourself: “Am I trapped here? Is this truly the end?” Step back and re-evaluate your path.

      Find the strength to answer, “No.” Realize that this was not a dead end at all. It is simply another fork in the road. When you choose your direction, you will feel his proud hand on your shoulder and you will walk another day.

       -From the Oracle Notes of Kaelmorn Teverin